Check out this list of 21 superfoods that will take your nutrition to the next level?
What is a Superfood?
The term “superfood” has been getting a lot of airtime recently, but what does it really mean? In essence, a superfoods are food items that are nutrient dense and energy controlled, rich in macronutrients, micronutrients and phytonutrients. Most of them are fairly low in calories and contain a high amount of fiber.
So…that basically means high quality whole foods! You know…the ones you are supposed to eat a lot of but rarely get any? Yeah, all of that stuff!
How Many Servings of Superfoods Should I Get?
Ideally…3-5 servings daily. Keep in mind, any food items listed that would conflict with known allergies or intolerances should be avoided. I would highly recommend that you make personal notes for any food item that doesn’t agree with you and either avoid it altogether or limit your intake. You can use the checklist, available for download below, to help you keep track of your daily progress.
Superfoods Reference Guide
The following list is broken out by macronutrient and should not be considered exclusive. Varying opinions would have different food items listed and I am not suggesting that this is “the list” and any other should be forsaken. Please don’t assume this list of superfoods are the only foods recommended! You should try and ensure that you include these food items to your nutrition plan. You are welcome to include other food choices as well. However, keeping this list as a foundation on which your nutrition is based is recommended.
- Lean red meat (grass-fed preferred)
- Salmon (wild caught preferred)
- Eggs (omega-3 and cage free preferred)
- Plain Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or coconut milk yogurt
- Protein supplements (whey, milk or plant protein sources)
Vegetables and Fruits (carbohydrates)
- Spinach
- Tomatoes
- Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower)
- Mixed berries
- Oranges Mixed beans
- Quinoa
- Whole oats
- Raw, unsalted mixed nuts
- Avocados
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Fish oil (or algae oil)
- Flax seeds (ground)
- Green tea
- Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA’s)
- greens+ (vegetable concentrate)
Superfoods Checklist
At this point, you might be asking yourself; “How can I keep track of the my superfood intake?“
I have answer to that question!
I have created a superfood checklist from the list above that will allow you to keep track of the number of servings you’ve had on a daily basis. As you progress with your nutritional habits, this checklist will likely become unnecessary to you, but it is a great starting point to ensure you have things covered.
You can download the 21 Superfoods That Take Your Nutrition to the Next Level and the superfoods checklist using the form below. Just enter your name and email address and you’ll have instant access to download this list.
I’ll also personally send you the PDF attached in an email for future reference.
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