Considering Which is the Best Pre Supplement?
Have you been thinking about adding a pre-workout supplement to give you that extra boost? I’ll review some of the supplements that I have used and some that others I know have recommended. With this information hopefully, you’ll be able to decide which is the Best Pre Supplement for you.
Up until about about a year and a half ago, I hadn’t really considered any pre-workout supplement (PWO). Honestly, I didn’t know they existed and what they did. However, since I started using them, I have found that I am able to power through my daily workout and finish just as strong as I started!
What is a Pre Workout Supplement?
A pre-workout supplement generally comes in powder form and is mixed with water and taken 20-30 minutes prior to your workout. It is designed to enhance your workout and give you a bit of a boost in energy, increase your stamina for longer and allow you to push your body a bit further than you might not have otherwise.
What Does a Pre Workout Supplement do?
Nearly all of the reputable pre-workout supplements on the market contain one or more of the following ingredients; creatine, caffeine, nitric oxide, sugars or ginseng. All of these ingredients will help stimulate your muscles while you are working out and increase blood flow to those muscles. They also provide a bit of extra oxygen to the blood and with extra oxygen in the bloodstream, you will be able to sustain physical activity for longer periods of time.
One side-effect that many people experience with just about any PWO is the feeling of tingling in your extremities, nose and ears. This is likely due to the beta alanine, Niacin or Vitamin B-3 found in the supplement. This is a harmless side effect, but for many can be a bit alarming the first time it occurs.
Pre Workout Supplements on the Market
I have not personally tried this particular supplement, but I have several people both on my team and who are other coaches that have. This may be the #1 PWO on the market today based on customer feedback. Most common reviews indicated high energy levels, great endurance and increased strength while working out. Just recently, Cellucor C4 Extreme modified its proprietary blend and had the DMAA removed.
Price: $29.99 / 30 servings (1 scoop)
This was the PWO I initially started out with after being recommended by others and was relatively happy with it. It has been awhile since I’ve had this supplement, but from what I recall it was decent and did provide me with that little extra boost to push though some of the tougher routines. Jack3d is a little cheaper than the others mentioned above, but still delivers on it’s promises. NOTE: This product still contains the DMAA substance detailed below.
Price: $18-22 / 45 servings (1 scoop)
E+E is a Beachbody product that was release towards the end of 2011 and I began using it in January of 2012. One thing that is different about E+E is that there is no added creatine. Which means it is a great fit for those who cycle creatine, but would like to continue to use a pre-workout supplement. For this reason, E+E would be the supplement of my choice here. You can read my full review of E+E here. Energy and Endurance Review
Price: $29.95 / 25 servings (1 scoop)
A word of caution
Some pre-workout supplements have an ingredient that has recently come under fire and considered by some researches to be potentially dangerous with continued use. That ingredient is DMAA. DMAA, short for dimethylamylamine, is popular among people looking to build their muscles or lose weight.
The concern is that DMAA may narrow blood vessels, which can increase blood pressure and lead to shortness of breath, tightening in the chest, or even heart attack. So far, the FDA has received 42 adverse event reports about products containing DMAA. Canada has already banned DMAA from all supplements.
Whoa…! That is some scary stuff! While no ban has been put in place here in the United States, the U.S. Military has already issues an internal ban on the substance and given the history there, it is a legitimate possibility that the FDA will also ban this substance in the future. Here is a recently published article that details this story: DMAA products pulled from base shelves
If you decide that you want to add a pre-workout supplement to your supplement list, make sure that you that you have read the labels in their entirety and check the reviews from community members. This will ensure that you are wasting your money with a supplement that isn’t going to deliver on its promises.
Also, just as with ANY other supplement, a pre-workout supplement is not going to be the magic pill that will change you in a single workout. It will only SUPPLEMENT what you do each and every day both in your workout program and in the kitchen. You really should be relying on your training and your nutrition to deliver your results, not your supplements. Your nutrition/training plan will never be replaced by any supplement you find on the shelf.
I hope that this article has given you a good understanding of what the best pre supplement might look like and if they are right for you.
Need a Coach?
If you need to find someone that will hold you accountable, answer your questions, help you, and PUSH YOU for the entire duration of your workout! Luckily for you, that’s what me and my team are here for. If you don’t have a coach yet and want one, I’d love to be your coach and help you through a fitness program. I am available to help you reach your goals!
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