
Monday Motivation!

I am probably in the minority here, but I love Monday’s! I can totally appreciate if you think I am crazy or giving you a bunch of BS, but it’s true. I assume just like you; the weekends are time to relax! You have the opportunity to enjoy the free time with your family, take […]


My First Triathlon Experience

I can officially call myself a “Triathlete”, though I’m sure my time/numbers are nothing to brag about. It was a PR! The swim was BRUTAL and I wasn’t prepared for that at all… It’s done and it was a good experience, but I was definitely not in “triathlon shape”. I signed up for this triathlon in […]

Are You Dehydrated

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Here in the U.S., July and August are typically the hottest months of the summer. Specifically here in the Midwest, the humidity can be unbearable at times and where just stepping outside for 5-10 minutes can induce sweat comparable to a cardio workout! Exercising in hot and ultra-humid climates places major stress on the body. […]

Stronger Abs in 7 Exercises

Stronger Abs in 7 Exercises

I’ve said this many times in the past and truly believe that there is a BIG difference between having defined abs and having strong abs. Defined abs are typically the result of consistent nutrition and low body fat (sub 10%). However, in order to develop a stronger core you need to work your abs just […]

Five Snacks

5 Snacks To Help Keep You On Track

Apple The apple might just be the original 100 calorie snack! While apples are generally high in sugar (in the form of fructose), they are perfect in a pre and post workout setting, providing your body with a quick spike in insulin (blood sugar) to jump-start your workout or replenish depleted glycogen post-workout. Apples will […]

Shakeology Ice Cream

Shakeology Ice Cream

Think ice cream is off the menu while going through your fitness path? Think again!  This healthy ice cream can be your healthiest meal of the day!  It is such a great healthy dessert option! Shakeology Ice Cream Recipe: Ingredients: 1 medium banana 6-8 oz of water 1/2 cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology 1 scoop […]

Nutrition For Kids

Nutrition for Kids

Most of you know that I have 4 kids and while I don’t pretend to be perfect on any front of parenthood, the subject of nutrition for our kids is one that I try to have a consistent message. We don’t prepare separate meals for our kids; they eat what we eat. And while we don’t […]

The Fit Entrepreneurs Podcast

The Fit Entrepreneurs Podcast

Every now and then, an opportunity comes along where you get to do something for the first time. A couple of friends of mine, Demetric Blyther and Ryan Harrison, produce a podcast; “The Fit Entrepreneurs”. On the podcast they discuss a wide range of topics, obviously fitness being one of them. I was honored when recently reached out […]

Meal Plans Coming Soon

Meal Plans – Coming Soon!

Main Struggle: Nutrition This was the constant theme that I have heard from an overwhelming number of people that I work with and provide free coaching. Knowing what foods to eat for their specific goals as well as finding a plan that they could stick to and still enjoy the food that they were eating. Performing a […]

Fit Men Movement Logo

Announcing the Fit Men Movement!

For the past several weeks now, I have been working with a couple of other guys to start something that I feel is going to be unique and pretty special for those who decide to join. We wanted to create a community for guys to come together and support each other. This community is not just about fitness either, […]