Focus T25 – Shaun T. fitness program
While the details of this new program have not been released, a teaser trailer has! Here is my initial input/feedback on the program, again without any of the marketing or specifics surrounding the program made available.
What we do know
What we can glean from the video below is the program appears to be a combination of some of the best stuff that was part of the Insanity, Asylum and Hip Hop Abs programs.
The routines are 25 minutes in length and are done 5 days a week.
The phrase “Zero Rest” was flashed, which may mean that you are truly getting a full 25 minute workout and no warm-up or cool down. Though given, my experiences with a fitness program that is lead by Shaun T, this shouldn’t be too much of a surprise, as he generally jumps right into a workout and the cool-down is typically less than 2 minutes in length.
Equipment Requirements
While most of the exercises that were detailed in the video were body weight exercises, it does appear that much like the Asylum program, a set of resistance bands or dumbbells will also be needed. I also spotted a mat, which I suspect is for some of the floor exercises.
Who is this program geared towards?
Much like the 10 Minute Trainer program from Tony Horton, it seems that this program is perfect for those that don’t quite have a full hour to commit everyday. It could also be a great maintenance program for those that have completed Insanity or P90X.
I think that anyone can find 25 minutes in there day to workout. Actually, that is quite a long time with Shaun T. and he can really put you through your paces even in that short of time.
When it is available?
No specific date was mentioned other than Summer 2013, but I would suspect that this program to be available in mid-June. This is about the same time that Body Beast was released last year and coincides with the annual Beachbody Coaches Summit convention in Las Vegas.
Need a Coach?
If you need to find someone that will hold you accountable, answer your questions, help you, and PUSH YOU for the entire duration of your workout! Luckily for you, that’s what me and my team are here for. If you don’t have a coach yet and want one, I’d love to be your coach and help you through a fitness program. I am available to help you reach your goals!
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