Should I Consider a Cold Shower After Workout?
Let’s assume that you just cranked out an awesome workout like Asylum, P90X2 or even Body Beast. You have had your post workout supplements and you are ready to start your day; should you take a cold shower after workout or not?
If you are like me, you enjoy a nice warm/hot shower; they feel great and you generally feel better afterwards, right? Well, you may want to start thinking about cold showers and I’ll provide you with some interesting information that may surprise you with why taking a cold show after workout could help you recover quicker and allow you to see better results!
Benefits of a Cold Shower After Workout
While the thought of a cold shower may make your cringe, there are some actual benefits that I will detail below. A hot steamy shower feels great in the moment right? The relief felt in the joints and muscles cannot be argued with…
Is Safe to Take a Cold Shower After Workout?
Of course! It is is perfectly safe to jump into a cold shower after a workout. However, you may find that ice cold temperatures can give you body quite a shock, so you may want to ease into the colder temps. Start with a moderate temperature, and them slowly increase the amount of cold water being used as you accommodate yourself.
Cold temperatures after your cool-down help bring your heart rate down and increase your circulation, which in turn helps reduce your recovery time. The increased level of blood your heart pumped to match your body’s needs won’t be allowed to pool in your tired muscles, and those muscles will clear the lactic acid more quickly.
You have probably seen those photos or movies of athletes sitting in an ice bath after an game or workout, right? This helps reduce inflammation of muscles caused by the small tears in those muscles that were the result of your workout. While these tears in your muscles are necessary in order for you to see growth, you can help reduce the recovery period with a cold bath or cold shower after workout.
Cold showers can take some getting used to and aren’t necessary each and every time you workout, but using them effectively can help you in subtle ways that should not be ignored. If you feel like you have worked your body particularly hard on a given day, you should definitely consider taking a cold shower after workout.
Need a Coach?
If you need to find someone that will hold you accountable, answer your questions, help you, and PUSH YOU for the entire duration of your workout! Luckily for you, that’s what me and my team are here for. If you don’t have a coach yet and want one, I’d love to be your coach and help you through a fitness program. I am available to help you reach your goals!
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